We promote creativity and social cohesion through cultural projects that are innovative and participatory.

The starry-eyed
The starry-eyed, is a project that wants to give visibility to all the proposals from the living arts has been developing, Marisa Lafuente, from different organizations and operating models.
It is a way to unite all of the work done in the last 20 years, which in its evolution, have led to proposals of community and social participation developed from the Arts Alive.
The claim of the starry-eyed is, on the one hand, to offer services innovative cultural communities, companies, and public and private entities that want to promote social cohesion across devices participatory and on the other hand, offer professional services to the cultural community.
Employment philosophy

Word that we say every morning to be awake to life, to give us emotional support to face the day and enjoy as if there was no tomorrow.

You must have a lot, but that too much to resist in the world of culture. Our life is a continuous winding of becoming that sometimes extenúa.

To all the goddesses and beliefs we urge that fill us with carts and carts of resilience, that lack makes us.

How lovely is the silence if we do not know about any topic we can think of no kind word, or are we going to do no harm, and we need to reflect before moving to that action, which then, perhaps, we repent.
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Nuestro equipo estará encantado de ayudarte en todo lo que necesites.